The Sun And The Water Cycle Question Preview (ID: 53458)
TEKS SCI.5.8B And 4.8A.
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Water Cycle
a) The constant movement of water through the land, air, oceans, and living things
b) The changing of water from liquid to a gas
c) Physical change in matter from a gas to a liquid
d) Rain, snow, sleet, or hail that falls from clouds in the sky
a) The constant movement of water through the land, air, oceans, and living things
b) The changing of water from liquid to a gas
c) The changing of water from liquid to a gas
d) Rain, snow, sleet, or hail that falls from clouds in the sky
a) The constant movement of water through the land, air, oceans, and living things
b) The changing of water from liquid to a gas
c) Physical change in matter from a gas to a liquid
d) Water from rain or melted snow that flows along Earth’s surface into bodies of water
a) Rain, snow, sleet, or hail that falls from clouds in the sky
b) Water found in oceans (and few lakes) that contain 3-4% salt
c) Water found in rivers, lakes, glaciers, ice sheets, and underground that contains low concentrations of salt
d) The process in which water collects in large bodies of water
Salt Water
a) The changing of water from liquid to a gas
b) Physical change in matter from a gas to a liquid
c) Water found in oceans (and few lakes) that contain 3-4% salt
d) he constant movement of water through the land, air, oceans, and living things
Fresh Water
a) Water found in oceans (and few lakes) that contain 3-4% salt
b) Water found in rivers, lakes, glaciers, ice sheets, and underground that contains low concentrations of salt
c) The entire body of saltwater that covers about 71% of Earth
d) The process in which water collects in large bodies of water
a) Rain, snow, sleet, or hail that falls from clouds in the sky
b) The changing of water from liquid to a gas
c) The constant movement of water through the land, air, oceans, and living things
d) The entire body of saltwater that covers about 71% of Earth
a) Water from rain or melted snow that flows along Earth’s surface into bodies of water
b) Rain, snow, sleet, or hail that falls from clouds in the sky
c) The process in which water collects in large bodies of water
d) The loss of water vapor from plants to the atmosphere. Main source of energy for the water cycle
a) The loss of water vapor from plants to the atmosphere. Main source of energy for the water cycle
b) The entire body of saltwater that covers about 71% of Earth
c) Water found in rivers, lakes, glaciers, ice sheets, and underground that contains low concentrations of salt
d) The process in which water collects in large bodies of water
a) The constant movement of water through the land, air, oceans, and living things
b) The loss of water vapor from plants to the atmosphere. Main source of energy for the water cycle
c) Water found in oceans (and few lakes) that contain 3-4% salt
d) Water from rain or melted snow that flows along Earth’s surface into bodies of water
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