Industrialization, Westward Expansion #1-2021 Question Preview (ID: 53450)

Industrialization - Vocab. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Federal law gave any citizen 160 acres of land, make improvements, live on it for 5 years-Free
a) Dawes Act
b) Free Land Act
c) Homestead Act
d) Westward Expansion Act

First federal law to restrict immigration to the United States
a) Chinese Exclusion Act
b) Nativist
c) Anti-Immigration Act
d) Interstate Immigration Act

Immigrants learning to dress, speak, and act like Americans
a) Dawes Act
b) Americanization
c) Nativist
d) American Citizenship Act

A company having complete control over the supply of a product or service
a) Philanthropy
b) Sherman Anti-Trust Act
c) Monopoly
d) Federal Reserve System

He was a philanthropist who had a Monopoly on the Oil Industry and made millions
a) Andrew Carnegie
b) Thomas Edison
c) Alexander Graham Bell
d) John Rockefeller

Federal law prohibited unfair practices by railroads, charging higher rates for shorter routes
a) Sherman Anti-Trust Act
b) Interstate Commerce Act
c) Espionage Act
d) Platt Amendment

Produced the first effective electric light bulb
a) Thomas Edison
b) Andrew Carnegie
c) Alexander Graham Bell
d) Upton Sinclair

Philanthropist who invested in a steel mill in Pittsburgh, selling iron and steel.
a) John Rockefeller
b) Alexander Graham Bell
c) Thomas Edison
d) Andrew Carnegie

Made it possible for Westward Expansion travel to California from East coast to West coast
a) Wagon Train
b) Transcontinental Railroad
c) Panama Canal
d) National Market

Made the production of steel more economical and faster
a) Steel Press
b) Steel Factories
c) Bessemer Process
d) Assembly Line

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