Election Vocab Part II Question Preview (ID: 53447)

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How many electoral votes does Wisconsin have?
a) 10
b) 22
c) 5
d) 17

An organization established by a corporation or other special interest to raise moey for a political campaign.
a) political party
b) polling
c) electoral college
d) political action committee PAC

How many electoral votes does a candidate need to be President of the United States?
a) 200
b) 300
c) 725
d) 270

A person believing that government should be active in supporting and solving society's problems and should take action for creating solutions and change.
a) name calling
b) media
c) oppose
d) liberal

Group of people chosen from each sate to elect the President based on the people's votes in that state.
a) popular vote
b) polling
c) personal appearances
d) electoral college

When everyone is going to support a certain candidate due to attracting growing support and popularity.
a) name calling
b) glittering generalities
c) bandwagon
d) name calling

Slogans and pharses used in advertising.
a) name calling
b) glittering generalities
c) plain folks appeal
d) endorsemnt

Negative attack ads on another candidate.
a) name calling
b) glittering generalities
c) endoresement
d) plain folks appeal

A person believing that it's better for individuals and businesses, not the government, to find solutions for society's problems.
a) liberal
b) delegates
c) incumbent
d) conservative

Supported by members of both the political parties.
a) bipartisan
b) congressional district
c) electoral college
d) minority party

The vote of the people. This will be the total votes that each candidate receives.
a) referendum
b) popular vote
c) swing vote
d) electoral vote

News organizations that deliver information through television, radio, newspaper, or the internet
a) right
b) primary election
c) media
d) political action committee

Not relating to any political party. This would be the best information to learn about a candidate.
a) nonpartisan
b) personal appearance
c) platform
d) opinion polls

Surveys that ask members of the public how they feel about different issues or who they would vote for at that time.
a) platform
b) record
c) referendum
d) opinion polls

A state that is too close to call. Where the state could go either way in the election.
a) battleground state
b) recount state
c) red state
d) blue state

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