Types Of Boundaries Question Preview (ID: 53417)

Plate Tectonic Boundaries And Their Geological Features They Create. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the Ring of Fire is located along ___________?
a) the Atlantice Ocean
b) the Pacific Ocean
c) Africa
d) none of the above

Transform boundaries create what type of geoloigcal feature?
a) mountain ranges
b) Volcanoes
c) Earthquakes
d) Rift valleys

A volcano is an example of what type of boundary
a) Subduction
b) divergent
c) transform
d) none of the above

A mountain range is a geoloical feature created by what type of boundary?
a) A divergent boundary
b) A convergent boundary
c) A transform boundary
d) None of the above

A Rift valley is an example of
a) a divergent boundary
b) a convergent boundary
c) a transform boundary
d) none of the above

A subduction zone is an example of
a) a convergent boundary
b) a divergent boundary
c) a transform boundary
d) none of the above

Transform Boundaries
a) Move away from each other
b) Move toward each other
c) slide past each other
d) they don't move at all

Divergent plates
a) move toward each other
b) move away from each other
c) slide past each other
d) they don't move at all

Convergent boundaries
a) slide past each other
b) move away from each other
c) move toward each other
d) they don't move at all

What are the 3 type of plate tectonic boundaries?
a) Divergent, Convergent, and Transform
b) Subduction only
c) Divergent, transform and volcanoes
d) Convergent and sudduction

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