Unit 1 Test Question Preview (ID: 53404)

Colonies Test Pre-American Revolution. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What was the Religion of Maryland
a) Catholic
b) Quaker
c) Church of England
d) Puritan

What was the primary religion of Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut
a) Catholic
b) Quaker
c) Church of England
d) Puritan

What was the Major Reason for the founding of many Northern Colonies
a) To escape debt
b) Religious Tolerance
c) To find adventure
d) To escape slavery

Who Founded Massachusetts
a) James Oglethorpe
b) Cecil Calvert
c) John Winthrop and William Bradford
d) Thomas Hooker

Whos save the Jamestown Colonists
a) Sacajawea
b) Squanto
c) James Oglethorpe
d) Pochahontas

What Group of Natives did early French Settlers become allies with
a) Apache
b) Iroquois
c) Huron
d) Cherokee

Who discovered Current Day Peru for the Europeans
a) Francisco de Cornado
b) Francisco Pizzaro
c) Hernan Cortes
d) Henry Hudson

How did Pizzaro treat the Incas
a) He stole their Crops
b) He befriended them
c) He made a treaty with them then killed their leader and stole their gold
d) He made a treaty with them and traded for many years

What was the main religion of Pennsylvania
a) Catholic
b) Quaker
c) Church of England
d) Puritan

Who was the leader of the early Jamestown Colonists
a) John Smith
b) John Rolfe
c) John Winthrop
d) Jacques Cartier

When was Jamestown founded
a) 1610
b) 1609
c) 1608
d) 1607

Who Treated Natives Poorly and often tried to take their gold and change how they lived
a) The Spanish
b) The French
c) The Portuguese
d) The Italians

What Did Christopher Columbus think he discovered
a) North America
b) South America
c) Africa
d) a route to Asia

How did the Natives feel about the world around them?
a) Needed to clear and dominate everything to fit them
b) Adjusted their lifestyle to fit the Environment
c) Struggled to adapt to it
d) Tried to make the environment like where they came from

Who treated the Natives like Allies and Learned their Ways
a) The Spanish
b) The French
c) The Italians
d) The Portuguese

What were the crops of three sister farming
a) Beans Peas Squash
b) Beans Corn Rice
c) Beans Squash and Corn
d) Corn Peas and Squash

What Native Region lived in the area that we live in today?
a) Plateau
b) Eastern Woodlands
c) Plains
d) Mesoamerican

How many Nativ Ameicans were living in the United Sates and Canada Pre Colonists?
a) Millions
b) Thousands
c) Tens of Thousands
d) Hundreds of Thousands

Native Americans came from which Continent
a) North America
b) South America
c) Africa
d) Asia

What was the major export crop of Virginia
a) Tobacco
b) Cotton
c) Rice
d) Grain

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