Module 8 Natural Disaster Patterns Question Preview (ID: 53388)

Natural Disaster Patterns. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Along divergent boundaries like the Mid-Atlantic Ridge __________ are common, but restricted to a narrow zone close to the ridge, and consistently at less than 30 km depth which is not considered very deep.
a) earthquakes
b) convergent plate boundaries
c) subduction zones
d) folded mountains

Shallow earthquakes are also common along __________ faults, such as the San Andreas Fault in California.
a) transform
b) convergent
c) divergent
d) all of the answer choices

Along subduction zones at __________ boundaries, however, earthquakes are very abundant, and they are increasingly deep on the landward side of the subduction zone.
a) convergent
b) divergent
c) transform
d) all of the answer choices

Stronger earthquakes are more likely to occur along active __________.
a) plate boundaries
b) plate tectoincs
c) mid-ocean ridges
d) all of the answer choices

Stronger earthquakes are more common at __________ and __________ ​plate boundaries.
a) convergent, transform
b) divergent, convergent
c) transform, divergent
d) all of the answer choices

Volcanoes occur at __________ plate boundaries were subducting oceanic crust is melted. This magma rises through the crust to form volcanic arcs and volcanic island arcs.
a) convergent
b) divergent
c) transform
d) all of the answer choices

Volcanoes also occur at __________ plate boundaries where upwelling magma pushes between plates (rift zones) as the plates move apart.
a) divergent
b) convergent
c) transform
d) all of the answer choices

The __________ is the most seismically and volcanically active zone in the world.
a) Ring of fire
b) Aleutian islands
c) Himalayan mountains
d) San Andreas fault

A volcanic __________ is an area in the mantle from which heat rises in the form of a thermal plume from deep within the Earth.
a) hot spot
b) ring of fire
c) island arc
d) arc

Which of the following is an example of a geologic hot spot?
a) Hawaiian islands
b) Pacific Ring of Fire
c) Mid-Atlantic ridge
d) San Andreas Fault

Which geologic features is most likely responsible for the formation of these volcanoes?

a) a convergent boundary where oceanic crust is being subducted
b) a divergent boundary where new crust is forming a mid-ocean ridge
c) a region where hot convection currents are rising through the mantle
d) a hot spot where crust is thin enough to allow mantle material to rise to the surface

Which of the following best explains the formation of the Hawaiian islands located in the middle of the Pacific ocean basin?

a) The Hawaiian islands are formed by volcanic activity caused by subduction at a convergent plate boundary
b) The Hawaiian islands are formed by sea-floor spreading caused by tension at a divergent plate boundary
c) The Hawaiian islands are formed by a thermal plume from deep within the Earth called a hot spot
d) The Hawaiian islands are formed by shearing forces as plates slide past one another at a transform plate boundary.

Which of the following BEST explains why there are some major active volcanoes such as, Kilauea and Mauna Loa in the middle of the Pacific plate far from any tectonic plate boundaries?

a) Magma can rise through cracks in the lithosphere and erupt to form hotspots
b) Volcanoes only occur at spreading plate boundaries
c) Volcanoes only occur at convergent plate boundaries
d) Magma can rise through cracks in the lithosphere and erupt at divergent plate boundaries

According to the map above which of the following BEST explains why the location of many volcanoes around the world occur along the Pacific Ring of Fire?

a) The Pacific Ring of Fire is the location of many divergent plate boundaries
b) The Pacific Ring of Fire is the location of many transform plate boundaries
c) The Pacific Ring of Fire is the location of many convergent plate boundaries
d) The Pacific Ring of Fire is the location of very few subduction zones

Which of the following best explains the age of the Hawaiian islands?

a) As the Pacific plate moves, the distance of the islands from Hawaii increases and there age decreases
b) As the Pacific plate moves, the distance of the islands from Hawaii decreases and there age decreases
c) As the Pacific plate moves, the distance of the islands from Hawaii increases and there age increases
d) As the Pacific plate moves, the distance of the islands from Hawaii decreases and there age remains the same

Which of the following best explains the location of most major volcanoes around the world?

a) Most volcanoes occur along plate boundaries
b) Most volcanoes occur along the edges of continents
c) Most volcanoes occur in the middle of large oceans
d) Most volcanoes occur randomly around the world

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