Poem Review - Game 1 Question Preview (ID: 53379)

Unit Test 3 Review - Part 1. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

ULYSSES - Odysseus is
a) growing old
b) a ravenous seagull
c) a coward
d) a weak King

ULYSSES - Who is Ulysses also known as?
a) Pantheon
b) Orpheus
c) Zeus
d) Odysseus

ULYSSES - The stituation in this poem involves...
a) Ulysses's problems with his wife and son
b) Ulysses's feelings about retiring and staying home
c) Ulysses's fear of travel
d) Ulysses's upcoming role in the Trojan War

ULYSSES - Tennyson wrote ULYSSES in response to what major event in his life?
a) becoming England's Poet Laureate
b) the death of his best friend
c) the death of his father
d) having to quit college to take care of his family

THE LOVE SONG OF J. ALRED PRUFROCK - Prufrock imagines having a relationship in the poem; he believes a relationship would...
a) finally make him happy
b) give him a chance to live in the country
c) allow himself to be himself
d) still leave him feeling alone and alienated

THE LOVE SONG OF J. ALRED PRUFROCK - The overall tone of the poem is _____.
a) interesting and daring
b) friendly and fun
c) insecure and alienated
d) alone but hopeful

THE LOVE SONG OF J. ALRED PRUFROCK - Why does Prufrock say he measures his life with coffee spoons?
a) He feels he does the same thing over and over each day.
b) He likes coffee.
c) He needs new spoons.
d) He wants to drink coffee at the party.

THE LOVE SONG OF J. ALRED PRUFROCK - What Shakespearean character does Prufrock compare himself to?
a) Othello
b) Hamlet
c) Macbeth
d) Lear

THE LOVE SONG OF J. ALRED PRUFROCK - Who is the speaker in the poem?
a) Dante
b) Michelangelo
c) Prufrock
d) Guido da Montefeltro

THE LAST DUCHESS - What feature of the portrait is particularly striking?
a) the eyes
b) the neck
c) the hands
d) the mouth

THE LAST DUCHESS - Who is the subject of the painting the Duke and the visitor are admiring?
a) an unrequited love of the Duke's
b) the Queen of England
c) the Duke's late wife
d) the Duke's mother

THE LAST DUCHESS - Of the following, which is NOT one of the Duke's complaints against the Duchess?
a) not being available to him at all times
b) innocence
c) riding a white mule
d) not being able to distinguish great men from common men

THE LAST DUCHESS - Who narrates the poem?
a) the Duke
b) an omniscient speaker
c) his visitor
d) the castle's butler

THE LAST DUCHESS - What bothered the Duke about the Duchess's smile?
a) She showed off her horrific teeth.
b) It was crooked.
c) It was never reserved for only him.
d) It was false.

ULYSSES - Ulysses is grappling with
a) depression and too much wealth
b) an injury and recognition of his frailty
c) lack of faith and an unfaithful wife
d) old age and adventursome spirit

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