Romeo And Juliet REVIEW 1 Question Preview (ID: 53374)

Part 1 Of Review For Unit Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Who most likely died of a heart attack?
a) Lady Montague
b) Lady Capulet
c) Lord Montague
d) Lord Capulet

What is the hometown of Romeo Juliet?
a) Mantua
b) Verona
c) London
d) Toronto

In what town did the apothecary live?
a) Mantua
b) Verona
c) London
d) Toronto

Who is likely 26 or 27 years old?
a) Lord Capulet
b) Lady Capulet
c) Juliet
d) Romeo

Who falls asleep in the graveyard?
a) Romeo
b) Paris
c) Balthasar

Who declares that Romeo is banished?
a) Prince Escalus
b) Mercutio
c) Rosaline
d) Lord Capulet

Who advances the wedding date of Juliet and Paris?
a) Prince Escalus
b) Lord Capulet
c) Paris
d) Nurse

Who ignores Romeo's loving stares?
a) Mercutio
b) Rosaline
c) Juliet
d) Nurse

Who buried a husband and a daughter?
a) Prince Escalus
b) Nurse
c) Lady Capulet
d) Lady Montague

Who said dreams were meaningless?
a) Mercutio
b) Rosaline
c) Nurse
d) Lord Capulet

Who saw Romeo on a 5am walk but didn't talk to him?
a) Benvolio
b) Friar Lawrence
c) Tybalt
d) Paris

Who was suspected of being in a house with a plague infection?
a) Friar John
b) Friar Lawrence
c) Romeo
d) Tybalt

Who was sometimes called Prince of Cats?
a) Benvolio
b) Tybalt
c) Friar Lawrence
d) Paris

Who believes that poison and medicine reside in all living things?
a) Friar John
b) Tybalt
c) Friar Lawrence
d) Paris

Who is related to Mercutio and the Prince?
a) Paris
b) Benvolio
c) Friar John
d) Friar Lawrence

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