ECON Question Preview (ID: 53373)

ECON. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What does it mean to barter?
a) Save your money
b) Make a trade
c) Compare prices

Which is NOT a trait of money?
a) durable
b) divisible
c) multiple
d) portable

What is it called when you keep money until you buy something you want?
a) trade
b) spend
c) save

A specialist specializes in one product or service. Which specialist would I call if I was sick?
a) teacher
b) doctor
c) hair dresser/ barber
d) house painter

Sheila looked at 2 stores to see which had a TV for cheaper (less money). What did she do?
a) compare prices
b) buy the first thing she saw
c) barter for a service

A service is something you do for someone. A good is an item that you buy. Which is chocolate?
a) good
b) service

In the story we read, Amy did this to get the video game she wanted.
a) ordered a copy and bought one
b) asked her grandmom to buy it for her
c) made trades to get it from a friend

Why are cows not good to use for money?
a) They are too big to be portable.
b) They can't be divided easily.
c) They are cute!
d) They aren't accepted everywhere.

Who would I call to get help in math?
a) teacher/ tutor
b) nurse
c) car mechanic
d) a dog

How do you think you will do on the test?
a) great
b) ok
c) not good

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