New Scholastic Year - Week 3 - Grade 9 - English Question Preview (ID: 53319)

New Scholastic Year - Week 3 - Grade 9 - English. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

I am direct and honest when I express myself. This indicates _________
a) creativity
b) clear communication
c) irresponsibility
d) anxiety

When you respect other people’s feelings. You are
a) indifferent
b) biased
c) compassionate
d) cheerful

How do people with high self-esteem feel?
a) positive
b) cheerful
c) supportive
d) All the choices

Books were translated from Arabic into English. Translated means
a) explained
b) dedicated
c) expressed in other languages
d) examined

Enid had a very vivid imagination. Vivid means
a) boring
b) lively
c) dull
d) washed out

Enid became successful writer because of her __________
a) talent
b) perseverance
c) self-confidence
d) All the choices

Mark __________basketball since he was a kid.
a) is practicing
b) has practiced
c) practices
d) had practiced

My friend _______________a poem at this moment.
a) writes
b) was writing
c) is writing
d) has written

While the teacher ______a new lesson, a student interrupted him.
a) was explaining
b) has explained
c) explains
d) explained

Sami _ his homework for an hour before his father came into his room.
a) has done
b) had been doing
c) is doing
d) was doing

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