8th Grade Unit 1 Quarterly Review-Genetics-2020 Question Preview (ID: 53313)

Quarterly Review Used For 2020. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Cancer is an example of a
a) beneficial mutation
b) both a beneficial and harmful mutation
c) neutral mutation
d) harmful mutation

What do mutations cause?
a) Temporary change to your DNA
b) Permanent changes to proteins that cause changes in a trait
c) Chromosomes switch places.
d) Siblings that look identical.

What is the difference between a dominant and recessive allele?
a) The dominant allele will be expressed, while the recessive allele will be hidden.
b) The recessive allele will be seen, while the dominant allele will be hidden.
c) The dominant trait will only be seen if you have two dominant alleles.
d) Dominant alleles are represented with a lowercase letter, while recessive alleles are represented with a capital letter.

How do animals help with plant reproduction?
a) They eat the seeds and poop them out elsewhere.
b) They eat the leaves.
c) They camouflage themselves to the color of the plants.
d) All answer choices are correct.

Which description best supports that squirrels are sexually reproducing organisms?
a) The habitat of squirrels includes open grassy areas and trees
b) The breeding season for males and females varies from year to year.
c) They have a very thick coat of hair and can see extremely well.
d) Squirrels can reproduce at a couple months old.

If a white squirrel that lives in the woods in Odenton is born with this as a mutation, what prediction can be made about the mutation?
a) This mutation would be beneficial because it would help the squirrel blend into the environment.
b) This mutation would be neutral because fur color will not affect the survival of the squirrel.
c) This mutation would be a harmful mutation because it would make the squirrel more visible to predators.
d) There is no way to determine if this mutation would be beneficial, harmful or have no effect at all.

Explain how it is possible for two brown furred squirrels to have a white furred offspring?
a) If both parents are heterozygous.
b) If both parents are homozygous dominant.
c) If each offspring gets 100% of its genes from each parent.
d) If the parents have asexual reproduction

What is true about squirrel reproduction?
a) The offspring are always genetically identical to both of their parents.
b) A set of identical chromosomes is passed on to the offspring
c) All offspring are identical genetically to each other
d) The offspring have genetic variation.

What is true about squirrel reproduction?
a) They reproduce sexually because two parents contribute genetic material to the offspring.
b) The offspring are always genetically identical to both of their parents.
c) A set of identical chromosomes is passed on to the offspring
d) All offspring are identical genetically to each other.

Certain animal behaviors increase
a) mortality rate
b) reproductive success
c) food intake
d) None of the answers are correct

What is an example of a homozygous allele?
a) TT
b) Tt
c) ttt
d) tTt

What is a genotype?
a) What makes you identical to your parent.
b) Physical Appearance
c) Genetic Make-up
d) Something that makes up DNA.

What is an example of a heterozygous allele?
a) HH
b) hh
c) Hh
d) Hhh

What is a phenotype?
a) Physical Appearance
b) Genetic Code
c) How organisms reproduce.
d) A type of protein

Crossing two heterozygous tall plants (Tt) will result in offspring of
a) 2 heterozygous tall and 2 homozygous tall plants
b) 2 homozygous tall and 2 homozygous short plants
c) All heterozygous tall
d) 1 homozygous tall, 2 heterozygous tall, and one homozygous short plant

Why is genetic variation beneficial?
a) It only needs one parent for reproduction
b) There are less adaptations needed
c) A species can live where it wants to
d) It increases the chances of survival and reproduction in specific environments.

What is true about asexual reproduction?
a) The genetic variation decreases
b) It needs 2 parents
c) It has a variety of traits.
d) Chances of survival increases

How do the parts of a flower aid in its survival?
a) Decreases the chances of pollination
b) Increases the chances of successful reproduction
c) Decreases the chances of being killed by other animals
d) There is no effect at all in survival

Fluffy fur is a dominant trait in guinea pigs. Two fluffy guinea pigs have a non-fluffy offspring. What must be the genotypes of the parents?
a) FF and FF
b) ff and ff
c) Ff and FF
d) Ff and Ff

If two heterozygous individuals are mated, what percentage of their offspring will have the dominant phenotype?
a) 100%
b) 50%
c) 75%
d) 25%

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