Last Kids On Earth Vocabulary 1 Question Preview (ID: 53308)

Vocab Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

an accomplishment that requires skills or courage
a) feat
b) research
c) invention
d) massive

the top, the most, the highest
a) invention
b) abandoned
c) research
d) ultimate

a study done to get new information
a) massive
b) research
c) rescue
d) success

something invented, created, or made up
a) invention
b) rescue
c) feat
d) success

something that turns out well
a) success
b) massive
c) research
d) abandoned

left by the owner
a) rescue
b) success
c) abandoned
d) invention

really big
a) abandoned
b) invention
c) massive
d) ultimate

to save from danger or harm
a) abandoned
b) rescue
c) research
d) massive

The dinosaur skeleton we saw at the museum was _________.
a) success
b) feat
c) rescue
d) massive

A antonym for massive is _________.
a) small
b) huge
c) ugly
d) silly

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