APUSH Ch 13 Question Preview (ID: 53306)

Ch 13, American Pageant. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What created the Panic of 1837?
a) The failure of American banks and the destabilization of the economy
b) The Tariff of Abominations
c) John Quincy Adams’s support of the American System
d) All answers are correct

What were 'pet banks'?
a) John Quincy Adams favorite banks
b) State banks supported by Jackson
c) Banks used by elitist to sway elections
d) The 2nd National Bank of the US

Why was there controversy over Texas annexation?
a) Slavery or “slaveocracy”
b) Constitution issue in regard to new states joining the Union
c) Violated the Missouri Compromise
d) Threat of war with Mexico

Why was Harrison nominated by the Whig Party?
a) Ability to win due solely to popularity
b) Career Politician
c) Leadership ability due to his previous military experience
d) Support to the American System

Who opposed the Tariff of 1828?
a) South
b) North
c) West
d) Outback

How was the Election of 1824 decided?
a) House of Representatives
b) Electoral College
c) Popular Vote
d) Senate

What was the 'kitchen cabinet'
a) Jackson's informal advisors
b) A group of business advisors to John Quincy Adams
c) A new name for the Presidential Cabinet
d) There was no such term

What was the 'spoils system'?
a) Jackson's policy of giving government jobs to his supporters
b) A plan to bring Texas into the Union
c) A system of connecting lines of communication
d) Corruption in the Meat Industry

Who supported the American System?
a) Clay
b) Jefferson
c) Madison
d) Monroe

What is suffrage?
a) The right to vote
b) A beating
c) This class lecture
d) Women's right to vote

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