Geography Question Preview (ID: 53282)

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What are lines on a globe drawn in an east-west direction and measured in degrees
a) latitude
b) longitude
c) equator
d) prime meridian

A flat representation of all or parts of the planet.
a) Great Circle Route
b) Globes
c) Maps
d) Map Projection

Sometimes people have to go to a new place in order to get a better job. Which theme does this situation represent?
a) region
b) movement
c) Human environment interaction
d) location

Long ago, there were very few roads and people traveled by horse and buggy. Now we have interstate roads and almost everyone has a car. Which theme does this situation describe?
a) place
b) Human environment interaction
c) Region
d) location

When we describe a place by saying it has a beautiful lake and mountains in the background, we are describing it by its _____________________.
a) human characteristics
b) physical characteristics

In the midwest, there are very large fields and very large farms. The people who live there could say they live in a farming ______________.
a) location
b) region
c) place

When I say that I live close to the church, I am telling you my ________________location.
a) relative
b) absolute

We use trains, planes, and trucks to bring clothes, furniture, cars, and groceries to the stores we shop in. Which theme does this represent?
a) Human-environment interaction
b) location
c) movement
d) place

A region is which of the following?
a) A place with different cultural characteristics
b) country with a small population
c) large area of land
d) An area with unity/shared characteristics

Which of the following is NOT part of Chicago's location?
a) 41 N 87 W
b) Larger than New York
c) Northern Illinois
d) West of Lake Michigan

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