Note Duration Question Preview (ID: 53280)

Note And Rest Duration Eighth, Quarter, Half, Whole And Dotted Notes And Rests. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A dot adds what value to any note.
a) One more beat
b) 1/2 the duration of the preceding note
c) Two more beats
d) 4 more beats

This rest gets two beats in 4/4 time.
a) Eighth Rest
b) Half Rest
c) Whole Rest
d) Quarter Rest

This rest gets four beats in 4/4 time.
a) Quarter Rest
b) Half Rest
c) Whole Rest
d) Eighth Rest

This rest gets 1/2 of a beat in 4/4 time.
a) Quarter Rest
b) Half Rest
c) Whole Rest
d) Eighth Rest

This rest gets one beat in 4/4 time.
a) Eighth Rest
b) Whole Rest
c) Quarter Rest
d) Half Rest

This note gets 1/2 of a beat in 4/4 time.
a) Whole Note
b) Half Note
c) Eighth Note
d) Quarter Note

This note gets two beats in 4/4 time.
a) Whole Note
b) Quarter Note
c) Eighth Note
d) Half Note

This note gets four beats in 4/4 time.
a) Half Note
b) Whole Note
c) Eighth Note
d) Quarter Note

This note gets one beat in 4/4 time.
a) Whole Note
b) Half Note
c) Quarter Note
d) Eighth Note

A dotted half note gets how many beats in 4/4 time.
a) 4
b) 2
c) 2.5
d) 3

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