Module 7 Plate Tectonics 2 Question Preview (ID: 53263)

Module 7 Plate Tectonics 2. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following is evidence that the continents were once connected into a supercontinent called pangaea?

a) the continents all seem to fit together like a puzzle
b) all of the answer choices
c) the location of earthquakes randomly all over the world
d) volcanic eruptions occurring randomly

John claims that much of California exists along a transform boundary. Which of the following would be the BEST evidence to support this theory?

a) There is a high occurrence of only earthquakes in California
b) There is a high occurrence of only volcanoes in California
c) There is a high occurrence of only folded mountains in California
d) There is a high occurrence of only hot spots in California

What does this lava lamp best model?

a) convection currents in Earth's mantle
b) convection currents in Earth's inner core
c) the theory of continental drift
d) All of the answer choices

Which of the following layers experiences convection currents that cause Earth's crust to experience earthquakes and volcanoes?

a) C
b) All of the answer choices
c) A
d) D

What does this fossil evidence suggest?

a) The continents were once connected and have since moved.
b) Ancient organisms were capable of swimming large distances in the past.
c) All of the answer choices
d) Human beings in the past transported these organisms to different continents.

Which of the following occurs on Earth's crust as a result of convection currents in Earth's mantle?

a) All of the answer choices
b) Transform
c) Divergent
d) Convergent

What is the supercontinent that existed approximately 335 million years ago.
a) Pangaea
b) Continental drift
c) Plate tectonics
d) glossopteris

Which of the following is evidence for the theory of continental drift?
a) The apparent fit of the continents
b) Rock and mountain correlations
c) Fossil correlations
d) All of the answer choices

Which of the following processes causes earthquakes and volcanoes to occur on Earth's surface?
a) convection currents
b) plate tectonics
c) continental drift
d) conduction in Earth's core

How does plate tectonics impact people?
a) causes earthquakes
b) causes volcanoes
c) creates most landforms
d) all of the answer choices

Many __________ comparisons along the edges of continents that look like they fit together suggest species similarities that would only make sense if the two continents were joined at some point in the past.​
a) fossil
b) continent
c) climate
d) earthquake

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