What Is History? Part 3 Question Preview (ID: 53255)

Introduction To History. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

How are governments able to influence economies?
a) They influence economies by determining how goods and services are produced and distributed.
b) They influence economies by opening stores and businesses.
c) Governments can't influence economies.

What is a dictator?
a) A person who rules with complete and absolute power.
b) A person who does what the people want.
c) A person who does what the representatives tell him or her to do.

What is representative democracy?
a) People elect representatives to carry on the work of government for them.
b) A form of democracy that completely run by the people.
c) Representatives of the ruling class make all the decisions for the people.

What does democracy mean?
a) Rule by the people.
b) Rule by the king.
c) Rule by the children.

What is the purpose of a constitution?
a) It sets the purposes of the government and describes how the government is to be organized.
b) Agreements in the constitution do not need to be valid.
c) Laws do not need to be recorded.

What are some services that government can provide?
a) Schools, police and fire departments, highways, money, health laws, and libraries.
b) Business plans.
c) Good food for all it's citizens.

What is civics?
a) The study of citizenship and government.
b) The military service.
c) Law enforcement.

What are the basic purposes of government?
a) Provide a way for people to unite, solve problems, and cooperate.
b) Protect the citizens.
c) Make our countries laws.

What are taxes?
a) Money people pay to a government.
b) Money paid to leaders to stay in power.
c) Money paid by leaders to the people.

What are tariffs?
a) Taxes on imports that make foreign goods cost more.
b) The cousin of Taffy, but sweeter.
c) What you buy to fix a rip in clothing.

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