Lit Terms Question Preview (ID: 53254)

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A word free from limitations or qualifications
a) absolute
b) adage
c) allegory
d) alliteration

Reference to something literary, mythological, or historical the author assumes the reader will recognize.
a) ad hominem argument
b) allegory
c) alliteration
d) allusion

A comparison of two different things that are really similar in some way.
a) alliteration
b) allusion
c) analogy
d) anaphora

A brief narrative focusing on a particular incident or event.
a) allusion
b) analogy
c) anecdote
d) anteccedent

Repetition of words or phrases at the beginning of consecutive lines or sentences
a) anaphora
b) alliteration
c) adage
d) analogy

Statement in which two opposing ideas are balanced
a) antithesis
b) aphorism
c) archetype
d) asyndeton

Repetition of initial sounds in successive neighboring words
a) alliteration
b) archetype
c) anaphora
d) adage

Concise statement expressing succinctly a general truth or idea, often using rhyme or balance
a) allusion
b) antecedent
c) antithisis
d) aphorism

Statement of the meaning or main point of a literary work
a) apostrophe
b) archetype
c) argument
d) asyndeton

Literary work in which characters, objects, or actions represent abstractions.
a) adage
b) allegory
c) alliteration
d) antecedent

Figure of speech in which one directly addresses an absent or imaginary person, or some abstraction.
a) anaphora
b) archetypes
c) allusion
d) apostrophe

A detail, image, or character type that occurs frequently in literature and myth and is often an example or model after which other things are patterned.
a) archetype
b) allegory
c) absolute
d) adage

Argument attacking an individual’s character rather than his or her position on an issue.
a) absolute
b) adage
c) ad hominem argument
d) allegory

A familiar proverb or wise saying.
a) absolute
b) adage
c) allegory
d) alliteration

Construction in which elements are presented in a series without conjunctions.
a) apostrophe
b) archetype
c) argument
d) asyndeton

Word, phrase or clause to which a pronoun refers.
a) antecedent
b) allusion
c) archetype
d) argument

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