D. Vaughn Lesson 7 Question Preview (ID: 53249)

Medical Terminology From Lesson 7. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The term used to describe tear:
a) Dacry
b) Trachel
c) Antr
d) Crine

The term used to describe body:
a) Sinus
b) Sept
c) Scirr
d) Somato

The term used to describe sleep
a) Dura
b) Hypno
c) Part
d) Ment

The term used to describe wall, fence
a) Sept
b) Part
c) Ment
d) Antr

The term used to describe Hard:
a) Sinus
b) Trachel
c) Scirr(h)
d) Crine

The term used to describe sun:
a) Asthenia
b) Helio
c) Tope
d) Pod

The term used to describe foot
a) Helio
b) Pod
c) Tarso
d) Lapar

The term used to describe weakness
a) Astr
b) Tope
c) Asthenia
d) Iso

The term used to describe star shaped:
a) Helio
b) Malign
c) Adnexa
d) Astr

The term used to describe ties, connection:
a) Iso
b) Adnexa
c) Ocul
d) Fascia

Fascia means:
a) Sun
b) Equal
c) Place
d) Sheet, band

Tarso means:
a) Ankle
b) Foot
c) Bad
d) Eye

Malign means:
a) Weakness
b) Place
c) Bad
d) Abdominal wall

Antr means:
a) Neck
b) Hard
c) Cavity
d) Body

Sclear(a) means
a) Hard
b) Hard
c) Hard
d) Hard

Dura means:
a) Hard
b) Weakness
c) Hollow space
d) To secrete

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