ELA Vocabulary (6th Grade)-Weeks 10-13 Question Preview (ID: 53239)

Vocabulary Practice. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which term means to live forever?
a) abundant
b) amble
c) immortality
d) deteriorate

Which term is an introduction to a literary work?
a) prologue
b) epilogue
c) commentary
d) tone

Which term is a concluding section at the end of a story?
a) prologue
b) epilogue
c) symbolism
d) commentary

Which term means the use of symbols to represent big ideas in a story?
a) prologue
b) amble
c) collaborate
d) symbolism

Which term means to walk or move at a slow pace?
a) chron
b) emphasize
c) support
d) amble

Which term means the earth?
a) ped
b) geo
c) chron
d) scrib

Which term means the study of something?
a) annotate
b) prologue
c) -ology
d) migr

Which term means foot?
a) trait
b) amble
c) photo
d) ped

Which term means light?
a) photo
b) epilogue
c) scrib
d) geo

Which term means to wander?
a) symbolism
b) abundant
c) ped
d) migr

Which term means a sad or gloomy mood?
a) amble
b) implore
c) abundant
d) melancholy

Which term means extreme pain or distress?
a) anguish
b) teem
c) photo
d) immortality

Which terms means to beg out of desperation?
a) melancholy
b) conspicuous
c) struct
d) implore

Which term means to be full of or swarming with?
a) implore
b) prologue
c) migr
d) teem

Which term means to consider with careful thought?
a) commentary
b) collaborate
c) contemplate
d) convey

Which term means large?
a) scrib
b) mega
c) amble
d) immortality

Which term means sound?
a) chron
b) photo
c) phon
d) portray

Which term means to say or speak?
a) duration
b) support
c) emphasize
d) dict

Which term means to send?
a) convey
b) support
c) verge
d) miss/mit

Which term means to empty?
a) photo
b) vac
c) epilogue
d) chron

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