Spanish Demo Question Preview (ID: 53232)

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What is the Spanish translation of the word: Seven
a) Setenta
b) Siete
c) Nueve
d) Seis

What is the Spanish translation of the word: Forty
a) Cuarenta
b) Cuatro
c) Catorce
d) Quince

What is the Spanish translation of the word: 9
a) Ochenta
b) noventa
c) Ocho
d) nueve

What is the Spanish translation of the word: One hundred
a) Cien
b) Diez
c) Uno
d) Ciento y tres

What is the Spanish translation of the word: Fifteen
a) Cinco
b) Cinquenta
c) Quince
d) Treinta

What is the English translation of the word: Hola
a) Goodbye
b) Nice to meet you
c) See you later
d) Hello

What is the English translation of the word: Mucho gusto
a) See you soon
b) Nice to meet you
c) Good morning
d) Likewise

What is the English translation of the word: Señorita
a) Mr
b) Mrs
c) Miss
d) Sir

What is the English translation of the word: Buenas tardes
a) Good morning
b) Good afternoon
c) Good evening
d) Good night

What is the English translation of the word: Me llamo
a) My llama
b) Your alpaca
c) My friend is
d) My name is

What is the English translation of the word: Chao
a) Bye
b) Very
c) Miss
d) Good

What is the English translation of the word: Estoy así así
a) I'm so so
b) I have to go
c) I'm good
d) I'm sorry

What is the English translation of the word: What's up?
a) ¿De dónde eres?
b) ¿Qué pasa?
c) ¿Cómo te llamas?
d) ¿Y tú?

What is the English translation of the word: la amigo
a) el amigo
b) igualmente
c) el gusto es mío
d) la amiga

What is the English translation of the word: Of course
a) Lo siento
b) Chao
c) Por supuesto
d) Encantado/a

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