Jesus' First Miracle Question Preview (ID: 53230)
Bible Story.
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What town was Jesus in?
a) Jerusalem
b) Nazareth
c) Cana
d) Bethlehem
What event was taking place?
a) a funeral
b) a wedding
c) a party
d) a church service
Who else was at the wedding?
a) Herod
b) the shepherds
c) Joseph
d) Mary
True or false: The disciples came with Jesus.
a) true
b) false
What did they run out of at the wedding?
a) wine
b) bread
c) chicken
d) cake
Who did Mary trust in to help?
a) Peter
b) Jesus
c) David
d) Mrs. Achey
What did the servants fill with water?
a) a pool
b) a bathtub
c) bowls
d) large jars
What did the water turn in to?
a) Kool Aid
b) Mountain Dew
c) wine
d) mud
True or false: The wine was the worst wine.
a) true
b) false
Who can we rely on to take care of all our needs?
a) mom and dad
b) Mrs. Achey
c) God
d) Mr. Zabel
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