Pedigrees Question Preview (ID: 53204)

First Pedigree Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The circles on a pedigree represent:
a) Males
b) Females
c) Carriers
d) Dominant

The squares on a pedigree represent:
a) Females
b) Twins
c) Males
d) Carriers

Lines connecting individuals mean:
a) they are recessive.
b) they share dominant trait.
c) they are brother and sister.
d) the two had children together.

If an individual is shaded in that means:
a) they are dominant.
b) they are recessive.
c) they have the trait.
d) nothing special.

If a recessive trait shows up in a later generation, that means:
a) both parents had to be carriers.
b) it just happens like that sometimes.
c) one parent was a carrier.
d) it is a mutation.

On a pedigree, if the inheritance is X-linked/sex linked:
a) there will be no difference in the amount of males or females
b) females will be affected.
c) males will be affected.
d) it will be hard to tell.

Dominant traits:
a) are present in every generation.
b) can skip generations.
c) are hard to distinguish on a pedigree.
d) mean that there are a lot of circle and squares colored in.

Recessive traits:
a) mean that there will be a person with it in each generation.
b) show up primarily with females.
c) can skip generations.
d) show up primarily with males.

Sometimes pedigrees are called:
a) inheritance maps.
b) family trees.
c) generational trees.
d) inheritance pictures.

Sex-linked disorders are:
a) colorblindness, hemophilia, and male patterned baldness.
b) hemophilia, Down Syndrome, and male patterned baldness.
c) colorblindness, Down Syndrome, and Tay -Sachs.
d) Tay-Sachs, colorblindness, and hemophilia.

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