Southwest Asia Ethnic Groups And Religions Question Preview (ID: 53150)

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Which modern day country is home to the Persians?
a) Israel
b) Iraq
c) Iran
d) Turkey

Which ethnic group is trying to create its won country?
a) Kurds
b) Arabs
c) Iran
d) Shintoism

Most Arabs are followers of which religion?
a) Hinduism
b) Shi'a Muslims
c) Sunni Muslims
d) Judaism

Which religion do most of the people of Southwest Asia follow?
a) Judaism
b) Islam
c) Christianity
d) Shintoism

What is a group of people who share a belief system in a god or gods known as?
a) Ethnic Group
b) Kurds
c) Farsi
d) Religious Group

What is a community of people sharing a common culture, ancestry, customs, and language known as?
a) Ethnic Group
b) Religious Group
c) Farsi
d) Kurds

Which ethnic group is most numerous in Southwest Asia?
a) Shi'a
b) Farsi
c) Kurds
d) Arabs

What language do Persians speak?
a) Farsi
b) English
c) Spanish
d) Kurdish

Most Kurds practice ________ Islam while most Persians practice ________ Islam.
a) Farsi, Kurds
b) Sunni, Shi'a
c) Shi'a, Sunni
d) Ethnic, Bahrain

Arabs, Persians, and Kurds all live in roughly the same region of the world and are virtually the same people except they live in different countries.
a) True
b) False

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