Latin/Greek Root Test III Question Preview (ID: 53128)

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Misc means
a) lots
b) wrong
c) mix
d) even

mal means
a) male
b) bad
c) draw
d) stirke

magn means
a) large/great
b) heat
c) attract
d) to carry

loc means
a) large
b) to have
c) here
d) place

which latin root means in the way
a) ad
b) ob
c) on
d) Miss

miss means
a) send foward
b) holy
c) bad
d) female

duct means
a) Stick
b) twist
c) pull from
d) send out

cosm means
a) city
b) divide
c) universe
d) star

Var means
a) many
b) change
c) temperature
d) Time

The word recognize literally means
a) Again know
b) There you are
c) look again
d) see and know

Scrib/Scrip means
a) write
b) hurt
c) mess
d) light

Which root means to build on
a) Var
b) pon
c) strut
d) Bel

Audi means
a) people
b) loud
c) hear
d) grow

Cov means
a) Sea
b) to warm
c) To shield or hide
d) Right

Which means friend
a) Prot
b) Ben
c) Tot
d) Ami

Bel means
a) War
b) sound
c) strike
d) pretty

Neg means
a) Night
b) Deny
c) Build
d) Wrong

Which root means good
a) Mal
b) Yum
c) Ben
d) pro

Cent means
a) Right
b) Money
c) Temperature
d) 100

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