Domains And Kingdoms Question Preview (ID: 53120)

Review Of The Domains And Kingdoms. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

An organism is unicellular, has a nucleus, is a autotroph and has a cell wall. It is in the kingdom ____.
a) Archaebacteria
b) Eubactera
c) Protistia
d) Plantae

Which statement is true?
a) Many kingdoms have cell walls, but their chemical make-up varies.
b) All kingdoms have cell walls, but their chemical make-up varies.
c) Many kingdoms have cell walls, and their chemical make-up is always the same.
d) Only plants and bacteria have cell walls

What do the kingdoms Archaebacteria and Eubacteria have in common?
a) Both have the same chemical make-up in their cell walls
b) Both live in the same place
c) Both are prokaryotic cells that lack a nucleus
d) Both are always multicellular

What do animals and fungi have in common?
a) Both are prokaryotic cells that lack a nucleus
b) Both are heterotrophs
c) Both are always multicellular
d) Both have cell walls

What do animals and plants have in common?
a) Both can only be multicellular
b) Both have cell walls
c) Both are prokaryotic cells that lack a nucleus
d) Both are hetrotrophic

What do plants and fungi have in common besides sometimes growing out of the ground?
a) Both can only be multicellular
b) Both are autotrophic
c) Both have cell walls
d) Both are prokaryotic cells that lack a nucleus

Which is the only kingdom that is not also a clade?
a) Protists
b) Plants
c) Fungi
d) Animals

Which is the only kingdom made up entirely of organisms that lack a cell wall?
a) Protists
b) Plants
c) Fungi
d) Animals

What kingdom is made up of organisms that have eukaryotic cells, but that may vary in cell walls, method of energy, number of cells and most importantly, ancestry?
a) Protists
b) Plants
c) Fungi
d) Animals

What kingdom made up of eukaryotic organisms that lack cells walls, that are heterotrophs and always multicellular?
a) Protists
b) Plants
c) Fungi
d) Animals

What kingdom made up of eukaryotic organisms with cells walls made of chitin, that are heterotrophs and mostly multicellular?
a) Protists
b) Plants
c) Fungi
d) Animals

Which domain has simple prokaryotic cells, and are found in extreme environments?
a) Archaea
b) Bacteria
c) Eukarya
d) More than one of these

Which domain includes all organisms with eukaryotic cells (complex cells that have nuclei)?
a) Archaea
b) Bacteria
c) Eukarya
d) None of these

What kingdom made up of eukaryotic organisms with cells walls made of cellulose, that are autotrophs and always multicellular?
a) Protists
b) Plants
c) Fungi
d) Animals

Which domain has simple, prokaryotic cells, peptidoglycan in their cell walls and include E. coli and salmonella.?
a) Archea
b) Bacteria
c) Eukarya
d) More than one of these

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