Renewable Versus Nonrenewable Resources Question Preview (ID: 53105)

6th Grade Unit 1 Science Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

which of these is a nonrenewable resource?
a) oxygen
b) cotton
c) aluminum
d) sugar

what is the term for an important nonrenewable resource that is formemd from remains of once living organisms?
a) solar particles
b) mineral sediments
c) fossil fuels
d) electrical energy

I want to see how long a lantern burns with different fuels. How can I test that.
a) measure how long the latern stays lit on a fixed amount of fuel, then use the same amount of a different fuel
b) mesaure the brightness of the latern with each type of fuel
c) measure the mass of each amount of fuel, heaviest = best
d) put in random amounts of different fuels at the same time.

which of these is nonrenewable
a) water for the crops
b) oil for the tractor
c) hay for feeding
d) cow for milking

which of these are fossil fuels
a) wind
b) biomass
c) geothermal
d) coal, oil and natural gas

what is a disadvantage to fossil fuels?
a) they are nonrenewable
b) the produce excess water
c) the do not make heat
d) they are too difficult to use

can a nonrenewable resource form
a) yes, all the time
b) yes, just too slowly to be usefull
c) no- umm, thats what non- means
d) no

if a place gets a lot of sun...
a) install a wind farm
b) burn more so the smog blocks the sun
c) solar power may be the way to go
d) try harnassing water power

Georgia has some big rivers, what kind of energy might we get from them
a) hydroelectric
b) solar
c) wind
d) biomass

which cup would be easiest to recycle:
a) paper
b) plastic
c) aluminum
d) magic

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