Dogs Vocabulary Question Preview (ID: 53103)

Vocabulary Test Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

There were 5 gray puppies in the litter. What does litter mean?
a) a pen for dogs
b) a place where baby animals sleep
c) a group of baby animals that are born

The cat chews the rug. What does chews mean?
a) licks
b) bites
c) pulls

Sara clipped the dogs hair. What does clipped mean?
a) cut
b) attached
c) hit

Mark bought some canned beans. What does canned mean?n
a) candied
b) chopped up in small pieces
c) in a metal can

A fox is a mammal, but a fish is not. What does mammal mean?
a) an animal that makes milk for its babies
b) an animal that has fins
c) an animal that can be a pet

Press the seeds into the dirt. What does press mean?
a) use an iron
b) push down on
c) ask and ask for something

Sink your hands into the soft dirt. What does sink mean?
a) push down into
b) go under water
c) place to wash dishes

Growing plants need a lot of light. What does light mean?
a) not heavy
b) not important
c) what shines from the sun

When roots need more space, put the plant in a bigger pot. What does space mean?
a) room to spread out
b) where the moon is
c) blank place betwen printed words

Add water each day so the plant will grorw. What does plant mean?
a) to put seeds in the ground
b) a living, growing thing
c) a place where workers make things

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