First Quarter Review Question Preview (ID: 53102)

First Quarter Review - Professional Behavior, Professional Dress, Communication And Directions And Regulations. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What are PPE?
a) Power Performance Equipment - tennis shoes, uniform and positive attitude
b) Professional Practice Equipment - paper, pencil, and computers
c) Personal Protective Equipment - gloves, mask, shoe covers and hairnets.
d) Private Party Entertainers - Singers, D.J's and performers.

What is PHI?
a) Professional Health Introduction
b) Professional Handshake Information
c) Personal Health Information
d) Party Hard Invitations

What does HIPAA stand for?
a) Health Insurance Portability and Account ability Act.
b) Helping Individuals Practice Adding and Algebra
c) How I Put Action into Accountability
d) Hospital Information Privacy Accessibility Act

What does HIPAA protect?
a) A person's name and address.
b) A person's phone number.
c) A person's medical condition
d) A person's privacy including a person's name. address, medical condition and social security number.

What is a type of non-verbal body language?
a) Talking very loud and running around
b) Whispering and telling secrets.
c) Eye movement, hand gestures, nodding your head.
d) Pointing and calling a person names.

What is the Green Zone of Regulation?
a) Feeling silly and laughing all the time.
b) Feeling sad and lonely
c) Feeling angry and out of control.
d) Feeling happy, focused and ready to learn.

When do we Just Push Pause?
a) When you are watching a movie and you need to get a drink
b) When you are getting upset so that you gain control of your emotions.
c) When you are texting and you get interrupted
d) When you are going to bed.

What is an Acute Care Setting?
a) Nursing Home
b) Assisted Living Facility
c) Hospital
d) Rehabilitation Facility

Where do we hold our happy feelings and thoughts?
a) In our invisible bucket
b) Deep inside our stomach
c) In an imaginary balloon
d) In a box on your dresser

How can you fill a person's bucket?
a) By not including them in a game.
b) By gossiping about them.
c) By saying or doing something kind for another person.
d) By posting mean things on tweeter about them.

What is unexpected behavior at the hospital?
a) Greeting your mentor.
b) Completing all the work you are given.
c) Following directions.
d) Jumping out and surprising a patient.

What is resilience?
a) The ability to remain silent during a movie.
b) The ability to bounce back from difficulties.
c) The ability to reseal a bag.
d) Feeling happy.

What is compassion?
a) The quality of feeling sorry for some one.
b) Showing sympathy to another person
c) Telling another person that their situation will get better.
d) The quality of recognizing another person's hardship and the desire to help them.

What is empathy?
a) The quality of seeking to understand another person's situation and feelings
b) The quality of listening to another person's problems
c) The quality of doing what your supervisor tells you right away.
d) The quality of helping another person.

What is the CEVEC dress code?
a) Jeans, tennis shoes, and a t-shirt
b) CEVEC polo, socks and leggings
c) CEVEC polo, black or khaki pants, and tennis shoes
d) Dress shirt, jeans and tennis shoes

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