Fever Vocabulary 1-4 Question Preview (ID: 53060)

Ms. Busby's 6th Grade ELA Vocab. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Define Wretched
a) in a very unhappy or unfortunate state
b) Strange or unusual
c) To obey
d) A place to put an animal

Define Wretched
a) in a very unhappy or unfortunate state
b) a talk or speech about a particular subject
c) not allowed
d) Someone or something that is annoying

Define Illness
a) state of being sick
b) Strange or unusual
c) To obey
d) Proof

Define Climax
a) The turning point in the story
b) The end of the story
c) The beginning of the story
d) part of the plot where the characters and setting are introduced.

Define forbidden
a) not allowed
b) The way words are organized in the text.
c) Clothing
d) Not a set time

Define nuissance
a) Someone or something that is annoying
b) state of being sick
c) not allowed
d) Proof

Define lecture
a) a talk or speech about a particular subject
b) not allowed
c) Someone or something that is annoying
d) in a very unhappy or unfortunate state

Define Illness
a) state of being sick
b) The way words are organized in the text.
c) A disaster
d) A place to put an animal

Define Fever
a) a rise in the temperature of the body
b) state of being sick
c) Annoyance
d) not allowed

Define Fever
a) a rise in the temperature of the body
b) state of being sick
c) Annoyance
d) not allowed

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