3bc: Lakota And Iroquois Question Preview (ID: 53037)

Reviews USI.3bc - Focusing On The Lakota And Iroquois Only. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which group of American Indians lived on the plains and were considered nomadic?
a) Kwakiutl
b) Lakota
c) Iroquois
d) Pueblo

What did the Lakota eat?
a) buffalo, antelope, maize, beans, pumpkins, wild berries, and fruit
b) fish, seals, caribou, migrating birds (ducks and geese)
c) deer, moose, fish, seals, berries, and shellfish
d) deer, bear, fish, corn, beans, squash, nuts, berries

Which First American group lived in the Eastern Woodlands?
a) Iroquois
b) Sioux
c) Pueblo
d) Algonquian

What did the Iroquois eat?
a) buffalo, antelope, maize, beans, pumpkins, wild berries, and fruit
b) fish, seals, caribou, migrating birds (ducks and geese)
c) deer, moose, fish, seals, berries, and shellfish
d) deer, bear, fish, corn, beans, squash, nuts, berries

What animal source were the Lakota hunting which caused them to be nomadic?
a) Bear
b) Deer
c) Buffalo
d) Elk

The First American of North America were similar in that they all _________
a) lived along rivers.
b) used their environment to obtain food, clothing, and shelter.
c) spoke the same language.

What modern day sport did the Iroquois develop as a spiritual event?
a) Basketball
b) Football
c) Golf
d) Lacrosse

Iroquois villages were surrounded by a high wood fence called a __.
a) gate
b) palisade
c) woodland
d) powwow

What type of dwelling (home) did the Lakota live in?
a) Longhouse
b) Tepee
c) Powwow
d) Palisade

What type of dwelling (home) did the Lakota live in?
a) Longhouse
b) Palisade
c) Powwow
d) Tepee

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