Introduction To Non Contact Forces Question Preview (ID: 53032)

An Introduction To Gravity, Magnetism, And Electrical Forces. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Even when your feet are not touching the ground, _________ pulls you toward the Earth's surface.
a) Gravity
b) Magnetism
c) Electrical forces
d) Friction

A non contact force that pulls objects toward each other as a result of their masses is called ______.
a) Gravity
b) Magnetism
c) Electrical forces
d) Friction

Which is NOT an example of a non contact force?
a) Friction
b) Gravity
c) Magnetism
d) Static electricity

Opposite charges _________.
a) Attract
b) Repel
c) Combine
d) Destroy each other

The two ends of a magnet are called _____________.
a) North and South
b) East and West
c) Positive and Negative
d) Left and Right

What happens when two north poles of magnets are placed together?
a) They repel each other
b) They attract each other
c) They cancel each other
d) They make the magnet twice as strong

Two objects have collected static electricity with the same charge. What would the objects do when placed near each other?
a) They would repel each other
b) They would be attracted to each other
c) They would burst into flame
d) They would change color

What makes electrical forces stronger?
a) More charge and less distance
b) Less charge and more distance
c) More mass
d) Using a bigger magnet

Objects that can exert a force on things without touching them all have a __________.
a) Force field
b) Magic
c) This is impossible. Things have to be touching to exert a force.
d) Invisible arms

A compass is a small magnet that always points north. What does this tell us?
a) Earth is surrounded by a magnetic field.
b) Solar rays affect magnetism.
c) Magnets are magic.
d) Workers in the factory have to set each compass to make it point north.

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