Making Inferences Question Preview (ID: 53026)

Making Inferences. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Henry's mom is having a birthday soon. Henry wants to do something special for her. He knows that her favorite dinner is steak and mashed potatoes. What can you infer Henry will do?
a) Henry will buy his mom flowers.
b) Henry will ask his dad what to get for his mom.
c) Henry will ask his mom to make steak and mashed potatoes.
d) Henry will make steak and mashed potatoes for his mom's birthday

Which sentence BEST supports that Jack is feeling sleepy?
a) Jack went to bed before his normal bedtime.
b) Jack put his head down on the desk.
c) Jack was not paying attention to the lesson.
d) Jackʼs eyes were droopy and his eyelids felt really heavy.

Mr. Martin looked at his watch. Then, he took a bus list out of his bag and looked at it for a moment. A few minutes later, he looked at his watch again and sighed. Infer: why does Mr. Martin keep looking at his watch?
a) the bus is late
b) his watch is cool
c) his watch is broken
d) his car is out of gas

Ben is auditioning for a part in the school play. He's been fine all day, but right before the audition he says he feels sick. You might infer that Ben...
a) never gets sick
b) is nervous about the audition
c) is happy about the play
d) is allergic to peanuts

Sam woke up and saw the sun shining in the sky. He packed his swimming suit, a towel, a beach ball, and his sandals in his bag. Then, he went to the kitchen and made a sack lunch. Infer: where is Sam most likely going?
a) the beach
b) the mall
c) school
d) the library

When making an inference, the most important thing is...
a) the title of the text
b) being able to prove or support your inference using evidence from the text
c) the author's note
d) knowing the name of the illustrator

Which detail tells you that Mrs. McCoy is hungry?
a) Her eyes filling up with tears.
b) She is limping around the room.
c) She starts reading a book.
d) Her stomach growls loudly.

Rose shivered as she climbed up the long ladder. Carefully, she walked to the end of the board and looked down. Hurry up! said the kid behind her. Rose held her breath and jumped. Infer: where is Rose?
a) on a trampoline
b) on a pirate ship
c) on a slide
d) on a diving board

To infer is...
a) adjectives that describe a person's personality
b) to figure out something the author did not clearly state by using evidence from the text and what you already know
c) retelling the story
d) making a guess without evidence

You walk into your classroom and the teacher tells you to clear your desk and get out a piece of paper and a pencil. You can infer that...
a) The teacher wants you to get ready for lunch.
b) It is time to go home.
c) The teacher is going to give a test or quiz.
d) The teacher wants you to get ready for recess.

First, Lindsay put the dirty clothes that were spread all over the floor into the laundry hamper. Then, she put away the game of checkers from yesterday and made her bed. Infer: what is Lindsay doing?
a) cleaning her room
b) playing checkers
c) ironing her clothes
d) brushing her teeth

Alice was playing outside with her friends. Alice's mom heard thunder and went to look for Alice. Just then Alice came through the door with wet hair and clothes. What can you infer?
a) Alice fell in the pool.
b) It's raining outside.
c) The sprinklers were on.
d) Alice took a shower.

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