Main Idea 1 Question Preview (ID: 53023)

What Is The Main Idea For Each Passage? TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The school day in Holland end 4pm. The children have 2hrs for lunch.Hollanders Have school on Saturday Mornings and half day on Wednesdays.
a) When Children go to school
b) Why school in Holland is fun
c) What school is like at Holland.

Don't water plants while the sun is shining on them. It is better to water them at the beginning or end of the day. The water acts like a lens and over heats the plant.
a) What leaves are like
b) Why plants die
c) When the best time is to water plants

Catnaps. Cats take a quick rest or nap. Thus a catnap was born. People take catnaps when they are tired and can only take a short nap instead of a full rest. True or False: This passage is about where to see cats nap?
a) False
b) True

When you think of a leaf you are probally thinking of a Maple or Oak leaf. Did you know that leafs come in many shapes and sizes. Pine needles are also a leaf even if they are not the same as other leaves. This passage is about:
a) How leaves are shaped
b) Where to find a leaf
c) What leaves are made of

The main idea is what the story is NOT about?
a) True
b) False

UV light is placed in many air perafirs and tools to help stop the spread of germs and viruses. UV light kills them on contact. Look around to see if you can find a UV tool.
a) UV light can hurt you
b) UV is a type of particle
c) UV light kills germs and viruses.

Regular Gatorade has over 20 carbohydrate. Too many Carbs are not good for your body. Next time try a Gatorade Zero instead of a Regular Gatorade.
a) Regular Gatorade has more calories
b) Gatorade is the best sports drink
c) Gatorade Zero has few carbs (which is good for your body)

Did you know sometimes TV producers put a sound of a Hawk in place of a Eagle? A Hawk has a unique sound. Next time you see a Eagle on TV listen to see if they replaced their sound with an Eagles. The main idea is:
a) That Hawk sounds are better then other birds
b) Sometimes Eagles sounds are replaced by a Hawk.
c) Eagles can not make sounds.

Supporting Details:
a) Are what the story is mostly about?
b) Elements that make up/ support the Main idea
c) Are not need in a story

Main idea has the same meaning as supporting detail?
a) False
b) True

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