Unit 1 - Civics - Founding Principles Question Preview (ID: 53013)

Founding Principles. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Natural Rights
a) rights that people are born with and that no government can take away (such as life, liberty, property)
b) rights that people are born with and the government can take away (such as life, liberty, property)
c) rights that men who are citizens over 18 are born with, but not women and children (such as life, liberty, property)
d) rights that only apply to those who govern (such as life, liberty, property)

Rule of Law
a) principle that the law applies to everyone, even those who govern
b) principle that law applies only to those who govern
c) principle that the law only applies to citizens
d) principle that law applies to those who want to follow it

Checks and Balances
a) a system that gives each of the 3 branches of government ways to limit the power of the other 2
b) a system of government in which the power is shared by the people
c) a system that gives all power to one branch of government
d) a system that changes the government's power annually

a) a system of government in which the power is shared by the people
b) rights that people are born with that no government can take away
c) the concept of governmental laws
d) dividing government power among 3 branches

Separation of Powers
a) dividing government power among 3 branches
b) keeping all government power in 1 branch
c) changing power annually among as many branches as needed
d) eliminating branches in the government

a) the division of powers between the states and the national government
b) giving all power to the states
c) giving all power to the national government
d) giving all power to the judicial branch

a) changes, such as to the Constitution
b) keeping the Constitution the same
c) *eliminating the Constitution
d) creating a new Constitution

Concurrent Powers
a) powers shared by the federal (national) and state governments
b) powers belonging to the federal (national) government only
c) powers shared by the state government only
d) powers shared among many united nations

Reserved Powers
a) powers that the Constitution neither gives to Congress nor denies to the states
b) powers that the Constitution gives to the judicial branch and the Congress
c) powers that belong to the president, not the states
d) powers the Constitution gives to the people

a) approve an amendment to the Constitution
b) deny an amendment to the Constitution
c) remove an amendment to the Constitution
d) duplicate an amendment to the Constitution

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