Integumentary System Question Preview (ID: 52990)

Structures/diseases/disorders/functions Of The Integumentary System. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

You have a large number of these glands in all of the following areas EXCEPT:
a) Soles of feet
b) Under the arms
c) Palms of the hands
d) Behind the ears

Part of the hair that you can see, above the skin is called?
a) Medulla
b) Shaft
c) Cortex
d) Root

Nerve receptors are found in which layer of the skin?
a) Dermis
b) Epidermis
c) Subdermis
d) Hypodermis

The color(lightness or darkness) of your skin is cause by what structure?
a) Adipose
b) Melanin
c) Keratin
d) Fascia

Rule of nines has to do with what skin condition?
a) Acne
b) Alopecia
c) Impetigo
d) Burns

The oil that is secreted by the sebaceous gland is called?
a) lotion
b) baby oil
c) sebum
d) none of the above

The layer of skin seen by the eye is called?
a) Epidermis
b) Dermis
c) Hypodermis
d) Subdermis

What is the #1 way to stop the spread of infection?
a) Wear a mask
b) Wash your hands
c) Take a vaccine
d) None of the above

Skin helps to manufacture what vitamin?
a) Vitamin A
b) Vitamin B
c) Vitamin C
d) Vitamin D

All are appendages of the integumentary system EXCEPT:
a) Epidermis
b) Nails
c) Hair
d) Sudoriferous gland

What structure is responsible for body odor?
a) Papilla
b) Sudoriferous gland
c) Sebaceous gland
d) Arrector pili muscle

What is the structure responsible for goosebumps?
a) Sebaceous gland
b) Arrector pili muscle
c) Sudoriferous gland
d) Papilla

The true skin is what layer of skin?
a) Dermis
b) Subdermis
c) Hypodermis
d) Epidermis

A contagious fungal infection often contracted in public showers or gym rooms is called:
a) Acne
b) Dermatitis
c) Athlete's foot
d) Warts

The medical term for baldness is:
a) Warts
b) Melanoma
c) Alopecia
d) None of the above

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