Civil War In Georgia Review Question Preview (ID: 52941)

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Abraham Lincoln issued the _____ publicly freeing slaves in the Confederate States of America.
a) Compromise of 1580
b) Emancipation Proclamation
c) Pittsburgh Address
d) Gettysburg Case

Which battle was the first major battle of the Civil War in Georgia?
a) Battle of Atlanta
b) Battle of Hogwarts
c) Battle of Savannah
d) Battle of Chickmauga

Abraham Lincoln and the new Republican Party had 2 main goals during the lead up to the Civil War ___.
a) Keep the Union from succession and prevent spread of slavery.
b) Move natives to the North and send Rebels to the west.
c) Collect taxes from every plantation owner and ay for slaves to be sent to their home country.
d) Have southern states seceded and accept western territories as slave states.

What was William Sherman's goals with the Atlanta Campaign and the March to the Sea?
a) Rebuild the farms and plantations lost in the war.
b) Punish and destroy the south, take away their ability to fight the war.
c) Convince England to join forces with the Northern Union.
d) Conquer the Spanish threat in the southern Florida.

What was the primary goal of the Union Blockade?
a) to prevent the South from shipping cotton to Britain and France in exchange for weapons
b) to keep the South from building up a powerful navy.
c) to block African slaves from being brought into the southern ports.
d) to prevent Confederate support from Spain.

General Sherman led his troops through Georgia toward Savannah and destroyed things that Southerners needed for war. This was called ___.
a) Battle on Fort Sumter
b) Battle of Chickamauga
c) Sherman's March to the Sea
d) The Atlanta Campaign

The election of ______ led the South to secede because they believed the Republicans would end their way of life.
a) Abraham Lincoln
b) Jefferson Davis
c) Thomas Jefferson
d) George Washington

The Civil War began on April 12, 1861 with the Battle of ____.
a) Antietam
b) Chattanooga
c) Oklahoma
d) Ft. Sumter

The first and only President of the Confederate States of America was ___.
a) Jefferson Davis
b) Abraham Lincoln
c) Robert E. Lee
d) Ulysses S. Grant

The action which destroyed land, property, and morale in order to convince the south to end the war was ___.
a) The attack on Fort Sumter
b) The blockade of the Charleston port
c) General Sherman's to the Sea
d) Burning of Atlanta

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