Persian Wars Question Preview (ID: 52786)

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The Persian Wars happened in what order?
a) Thermopylae, Marathon, Salamis Plataea
b) Marathon, Salamis, Thermopylae, Plataea
c) Marathon, Thermopylae, Salamis, Plataea
d) Thermopylae, Salamis, Plataea, Marathon

The Battle of Salamis was fought on...
a) Land
b) Sea

The Persian Wars started because Persians were expanding into what area?
a) Ionia
b) Egypt
c) England
d) New York

Themistocles and Leonidas are examples of...
a) Greek Generals
b) Greek gods
c) Greek City-States
d) Persian Kings

The general who lead the Spartans at Thermopylae was
a) Darius
b) Themistocles
c) Socrates
d) Leonidas

Salamis, Marathon, Thermopylae, and Plataea are...
a) Gods
b) Battle sites
c) Greek generals
d) Persian generals

The Battle of Thermopylae was won by...
a) The Greeks
b) The Persians

The last battle of the Persian Wars was...
a) Battle of Marathon
b) Battle of Thermopylae
c) Battle of Salamis
d) Battle of Plataea

Who won the Persian Wars?
a) The Persian Empire
b) The Ionians
c) The Greek city-states
d) The Macedonians

Darius and Xerxes are...
a) Persian Kings
b) Greek Gods
c) Greek Generals
d) Persian Generals

Which of the following statements about the Persian Empire is NOT true?
a) The Persians had a strong military known as the Ten Thousand Immortals.
b) Cyrus the Great was well respected by the people he conquered because he was fair and just.
c) The Persian Empire extended from Asia Minor to India.
d) Persia became known as the Land of the Scholars because of the universities that were founded there.

How did the battles of the Persian Wars change during the war?
a) The Persians became allies with the Ionians, which helped them to win the war.
b) Athens and Sparta began working together to fight against the Persians.
c) Several of Persia’s kings were killed, which made it easier for Athens to invade the Persian Empire.
d) Most of the battles were fought on land because Athens’ navy was destroyed.

The Persian Wars were fought between…
a) The Greek city-states and the Persians
b) Cyrus and Darius
c) Greece and Ionia
d) Athens and Sparta

What caused the Persian Wars to begin
a) The Persians wanted to expand their empire.
b) Sparta attacked the city of Miletus.
c) King Cyrus was assassinated by the Athenians.
d) Sparta wanted access to trade routes in the Aegean Sea.

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