Medical Words Translation P. 2 Question Preview (ID: 52775)

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what is the respiratory system
a) Is the system that help us to eat
b) It is the set of organs that living beings have, in order to exchange gases with the environment.
c) It is what is the system that helps us pump blood through the body
d) It is the system in charge of feeling nerves

a) Costillas
b) Hueso endocrino
c) Peroné
d) Colmillow

The digestive system
a) Is the set of organs in charge of the digestion process
b) Is where heart is located
c) It helps to listen better the sounds and understand information
d) Is the system that helps to breath

What is mouth
a) A part of the body that helps to listen
b) A part of the body where humans and animals receive food and then be digested by a series of organs until evacuation
c) Is a tool that we have only to whistle
d) Is a Netflix serie

a) Tijera quirúrgica
b) Escape
c) Bisturí
d) Botador

What is Stethoscope
a) Device designed to listen to the sounds of the chest and other parts of the body
b) Device to see inside of human body
c) Instrument used to explore the larynx
d) Strips of canvas, either simple, double or triple, applied to fractures or amputations

a) It is a small hollow viscus located on the underside of the liver.
b) It is a small ball that hangs inside our mouth
c) Joint located in our arm that helps mobility
d) It is the name of the cartilage that is located inside our nose

Small intestine
a) Menbrana
b) Hígado
c) Intestino grueso
d) Intestino delgado

a) Is responsible for producing and pouring into the intestine some of the juices that contribute to the digestion of food
b) Is part of the defense system against oral or nasal infections
c) Jaw of a vertebrate
d) Organ located in the throat which helps better breathing

a) Estetoscopio
b) Mamografo
c) Cardiograma
d) Marca pasos

a) Device that is placed in the vagina to correct the descent of the womb
b) Metal piece, usually gold, that dentists use to hold artificial teeth on natural teeth.
c) Piece, device or substance that is placed on the body to improve any of its functions, or for aesthetic purposes
d) Bandage to support the scrotum or other limb

a) Electrograma
b) Electrocardiograma
c) Electroencefalograma
d) Cardiograma

a) Amigdalas
b) Glandulas
c) Laringe
d) Esternón

a) medicine that helps cure depression
b) A mental illnes
c) apparatus that destroys tissues for surgical purposes applying very low temperatures.
d) It is a medical instrument to depress the tongue and allow examination of the mouth and throat.

a) Cetosis
b) Endoscopio
c) Catéter
d) Escápelo

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