Medicine Quiz Question Preview (ID: 52773)

This Quiz Was Created By Tatiana Martinez Carpio, Karla Noemy Barrera, Gerson Ivan Cruz. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the translation of Dizziness?
a) Vomito
b) Estres
c) Jaqueca
d) Mareo

What is the synonym of motionless?
a) Shaky
b) Immobile
c) Temblor

What is the translation of blister in Spanish?
a) Bulto
b) Grano
c) Ampolla

What is the synonym of crippled?
a) Drugged
b) Injured
c) Fall

What is the translation of underwent in Spanish?
a) Cansancio
b) SufriĆ³
c) Agotarse

A condition in which you wake up during the night because you have to urinate. This is the meaning of?
a) Somnolent
b) Dozy
c) Nocturia

What is a synonym of heartborn?
a) Indigestion
b) Heart attack
c) Vomit

What is the translation of incautaciĆ³n in English?
a) Seizure
b) Attack
c) Abduction

What is the meaning of hypertension?
a) Abnormally high blood pressure
b) an unusual high pressure on the chest
c) abnormally high beating heart pressure

What is the translation of excessive thirst in Spanish?
a) Sudoracion
b) Palpitaciones excesivas
c) Sed excesiva

What is the translation of herida en la piel in English?
a) Skin mark
b) Skin wound
c) Skin cut

An involuntary quivering movement, is the meaning of?
a) Dizziness
b) Temblor
c) Rash

What is the meaning of fainting?
a) A temporary loss of consciousness resulting from a decreased flow of blood to the brain
b) A temporary loss of consciousness resulting from an increase flow of blood to the heart
c) A temporal loss of cognizance resulting from an increase flow of the blood

What is the translation of chest pain in Spanish?
a) Dolor de garganta
b) Dolor de pecho
c) Dolor de cabeza

What is the translation of dolor de extremidades in English?
a) Arm pain
b) Wing pain
c) Limb Pain

Beating with a strong, regular rhythm is the meaning of?
a) Palpitante
b) Pulsacion
c) Vibrante

What is the meaning of Rash?
a) a group of small, red spots on the skin
b) A pain that you feel on all your body
c) swelling in the body
d) red skin

what is the correct word to the translation dolor de garganta?
a) Fever
b) Sore throat
c) Burning
d) Cough

what is the abbreviation of date of birth?
a) DOB
b) BOD
c) ODB
d) DB

What is the correct translation of Primary care Provider PCP?
a) Enfermero de turno
b) Proveedor de atencion primaria
c) Enfermero de atencion
d) Doctor de turno

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