Science Ch 5 Question Preview (ID: 52770)

Review For Science. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which is NOT an example of symbiosis?
a) adaptation
b) mutalism
c) parasitism
d) commensalism

___________are close to becoming extinct.
a) offspring
b) endangered species
c) enxtinction
d) threatened

Is it helpful to classify animals as endangered or threatened? Why?
a) Yes, so they will be protected from extinction
b) No, they are already going to be extinct anyway.
c) No, it will throw off the balance of animals.
d) No, people will be overtaken by the populations.

Driving cars and adding fertilizer to lawns cause environment __________.
a) pollution
b) extinction
c) symbiosis
d) niche

Animals that are hunted and eaten by other animals are ___________.
a) prey
b) predators
c) endangered
d) offspring

__________________occurs when all of the members of a species dies out.
a) survival
b) niche
c) endangered
d) extinction

A _____________describes what an organism does in the place where it lives.
a) traits
b) niche
c) habitat
d) prey

______________________hunt and eat other animals
a) prey
b) predators
c) offspring
d) endangered species

Long lasting relationships between two different kinds of organisms is
a) niche
b) trait
c) prey
d) symbiosis

The place where an organism lives, grows, and develops is its
a) habitat
b) niche
c) trait
d) offspring

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