Taxonomic Classification Question Preview (ID: 52768)

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A new prokaryotic, unicellular organism is discovered in hot sulfur springs. Scientists will most likely classify this new organism in which of the following kingdoms?
a) Kingdom Protista
b) Kingdom Eubacteria
c) Kingdom Fungi
d) Kingdom Archaebacteria

Which of these is the largest in terms of number of organisms?
a) Domain Archaea
b) Domain Eukarya
c) Kingdom Animalia
d) Kingdom Plantae

Which one of these statements about eubacteria is true?
a) They are less common than archaebacteria.
b) They are not pathogenic.
c) They can reproduce asexually.
d) They are found in extreme environments.

Organism A and Organism B will most likely belong to which kingdoms? *Organism A: Is a mulitcelluar eukaryote, is fixed to one place, is autotrophic. **Organisms B: Is a multicellular eukaryote, is fixed to one place, is herterotrophic.
a) Both belong to Plantae.
b) Both belong to Fungi.
c) Organism A belongs to Plantae and Organism B belongs to Fungi.
d) Organism A belongs to Fungi and Organism B belongs to Plantae.

From the given set of organisms, select the pair that is most closely related. A. Unicellular, found in pond water. B. Unicellular, found in pond scum. C. Unicellular, found in soil. D. Unicellular, found in extremely saline water.
a) A and B
b) C and D
c) B and C
d) D and A

Which one of these characteristics will most likely be used to classify the given set of organisms: bird, fish, plant
a) Mode of nutrition
b) Mode of reproduction
c) Color of the organism
d) Size of the organism

Which kingdom includes the most eukaryotic unicellular organisms?
a) Fungi
b) Protista
c) Archaebacteria
d) Eubacteria

A rod-shaped organism with no nucleus commonly found in the soil will most likely belong to which kingdom?
a) Fungi
b) Animalia
c) Eubacteria
d) Protista

Which of the following belongs to kingdom Animalia?
a) Eukaryote, multicellular, heterotrophic, take in food and digest
b) Eukaryote, unicellular, heterotrophic, take in food and digest
c) Eukaryote, multicellular, heterotrophic, digests food outside the body
d) Eukaryote, unicellular, autotrophic

Which of these is the lowest level in the taxonomic classification?
a) Kingdom
b) Class
c) Species
d) Domain

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