123.0 Question Preview (ID: 52703)

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expel air from the lungs with a sudden sharp sound.
a) Cold
b) Cough
c) Heartburn
d) Cortex

a noticeably rapid, strong, or irregular heartbeat due to agitation, exertion, or illness
a) Palpitations
b) Yellow skin
c) Chills
d) Double vision

eject matter from the stomach through the mouth.
a) Seizure
b) Pulmonary embolism
c) Seizures
d) Vomiting

a) Cold
b) Cough
c) Heartburn
d) Cortex

expel air from the lungs with a sudden sharp sound.
a) Cold
b) Cough
c) Heartburn
d) Cortex

a noticeably rapid, strong, or irregular heartbeat due to agitation, exertion, or illness
a) Cold
b) Cough
c) Heartburn
d) Cortex

eject matter from the stomach through the mouth.
a) Cold
b) Vomiting
c) Heartburn
d) Cortex

a) Cold
b) Cough
c) Heartburn
d) Cortex

a) Cold
b) Cough
c) Heartburn
d) Vomiting

a) Vomiting
b) Vomiting
c) Vomiting
d) Vomiting

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