Unit 4 - Europe, Russia, And Central Asia Question Preview (ID: 52693)

Europe, Russia, And Central Asia. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

pollution that starts in one country and crosses boundaries into other countries
a) transboundary pollution
b) acid rain
c) doubling time pollution
d) nuclear pollution

Treaty of Versailles

a) major peace treaty at the end of WWI
b) major peace treaty at the end of the Korean War
c) major peace treaty at the end of the Chinese Civil War
d) major peace treaty at the end of the American Civil War

a river and all the streams that flow into it
a) river system
b) river additions
c) Nile
d) transboundary river

a form of energy that comes from nuclear reactions (no smell or taste, but very harmful)

a) nuclear radiation
b) nucleus
c) transboundary nuclear reactions
d) nuclear plant

rain that can damage the environment because it contains acid from factory smoke and car exhaust
a) acid rain
b) transboundary pollutant rain
c) river rain
d) nuclear rain

the average number of children a woman in a given population will have in her lifetime
a) total fertility rate
b) life expectancy
c) zero population growth
d) doubling time

the average age that a person in a given population can expect to live
a) life expectancy
b) demography
c) life rate
d) replacement expectancy

the total fertility rate needed for a population to replace itself
a) replacement rate
b) replaced expectancy
c) dependency ratio
d) transboundary pollution

the number of old and young dependents who don't work compared with the working-age population
a) dependency ratio
b) demography
c) replacement rate
d) life expectancy

the study of human populations, including how they change due to births, deaths, aging and migration
a) demography
b) total fertility rate
c) transboundary rate
d) replacement rate

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