History Of Scouting Question Preview (ID: 52676)

You Are Going To Review Competencies Of Unit 3 Along With Grammar Points: Reflexive Pronouns As Well As Interrogative And Relative Pronouns, ; Also, You Are Going To Make An Outline, Write A Letter, Analyze A Text, Write A Biography While Having FUN! TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

One of the following is not an outline element:
a) Thesis Statement
b) Conclusion
c) Signature
d) Body

One of the following is a part of letter:
a) Introduction
b) Conclusion
c) Byline
d) Greeting

A reflexive pronoun is used when the subject of a sentence is the:
a) Antecedent
b) Object
c) Predicate
d) Compliment

An interrogative pronoun is used in a:
a) Question
b) Statement
c) Imperative
d) Exclamation

A biography of Ghassan Kanafani would be written by:
a) Himself
b) Another author
c) No one
d) A painter

A relative pronoun introduces a:
a) Phrase
b) Sentence
c) Clause
d) Relationship

The sentence: “He looks at himself in the mobile screen.” is:
a) Correct
b) Incorrect because “at himself” is redundant
c) Incorrect because it requires “look”
d) Incorrect because the screen is moving

The sentence, “To conclude, dolphins are as friendly to humans as dogs are, so we need to save them for this and for keeping the eco system of seas.” is:
a) A thesis statement
b) A supporting sentence
c) A concluding statement
d) A hook for readers

The sentence: “Why did students stay at home?” has a/an:
a) Reflexive Pronoun
b) Interrogative Pronoun
c) Exclamatory Pronoun
d) Relative Pronoun

The sentence: “A fire had started at the store where firefighters attempted to extinguish the flames.” has a/an:
a) Reflexive Pronoun
b) Interrogative Pronoun
c) Relative Pronoun
d) Exclamatory Pronoun

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