Cells Parts/Functions Question Preview (ID: 52673)

Use Your Knowledge To Answer The Following Questions About Cells, Cell Organelles And Their Functions. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Rigid layer of non-living material that surrounds, supports and protects the outside of plant cells is?
a) Cell Wall
b) Cell Membrane
c) Nucleus
d) Cytoplasm

All cells have this barrier, which controls what substances flow into and out of the cell is called?
a) Cell Wall
b) Cell Membrane
c) Nucleus
d) Mitochondria

Usually at the center of the cell, this organelle is considered to be the control center of the cell which directs ALL cell functions.
a) Cell Wall
b) Cell Membrane
c) Nucleus
d) Endoplasmic Reticulum

This is the jelly-like fluid that has a constant flow.
a) Cell Wall
b) Cell Membrane
c) Endoplasmic Reticulum
d) Cytoplasm

This cell organelle is considered to be the powerhouse of the cell as it breaks down food molecules into manageable energy for the cell.
a) Mitochondria
b) Cell Membrane
c) Endoplasmic Reticulum
d) Chloroplasts

These are small little factories that produce proteins.
a) Cell Wall
b) Ribosomes
c) Golgi Body Apparatus
d) Vacuole

This cell organelle receive proteins and other substances and package them to be delivered elsewhere.
a) Golgi Body Apparatus
b) Cell Membrane
c) Lysosome
d) Nucleus

This organelle is considered a storage container for water, food and other substances for future use.
a) Cell Wall
b) Cell Membrane
c) Vacuole
d) Chloroplast

Lysosomes are organelles that are responsible in creating chemicals that assist in cleaning up the cell.
a) True
b) False

This organelle is responsible for capturing energy from sunlight and using it to produce food for the cell.
a) Mitochondria
b) Chloroplast
c) Lysosome
d) Vacuole

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