The Solar System Question Preview (ID: 52667)

Standard: 3.E.1 Recognize The Major Components And Patterns Observed In The Earth/moon/sun System. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The changing of shadows on Earth tell us what about the sun
a) the sun is staying in the same place
b) the moon is moving
c) nothing is moving
d) That the sun is moving

The system that contains planets, stars and sun is called what?
a) sun system
b) moon system
c) solar system
d) space system

The sun is a big what?
a) moon
b) star
c) light
d) planet

What circles around Earth?
a) sun
b) all the planets
c) mars
d) moon

What is the third planet from the sun?
a) Mars
b) Earth
c) Saturn
d) Jupiter

How many planets are in space?
a) 8
b) 6
c) 10
d) 12

What is the closest planet to the sun
a) Earth
b) Venus
c) Mars
d) Mercury

What do all the planets revolve around?
a) moon
b) earth
c) sun
d) stars

True or false: the patterns of stars change throughout the day
a) true
b) false

How many moons does Earth have?
a) 1
b) 4
c) 3
d) 2

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