Adding And Subtracting! Question Preview (ID: 52636)

Standard: NC.1.OA.1 Represent And Solve Addition And Subtraction Word Problems, Within 20, With Unknowns, By Using Objects, Drawings, And Equations With A Symbol For The Unknown Number To Represent The Problem, When Solving:. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Sally has 3 marbles, Ken has 6, and Mary has the rest. If there is 18 marbles, how many marbles does Mary have?
a) 9 marbles
b) 10 marbles
c) 5 marbles
d) 3 marbles

Jen started with 8 cards, she gave 3 cards to her sister. How many cards does Jen have left?
a) 3 cards
b) 5 cards
c) 6 cards
d) 4 cards

Sarah has 19 pieces of paper, if she hands out 4 and keeps 1 for herself, how many pieces of paper is left over?
a) 13 pieces of paper
b) 14 pieces of paper
c) 11 pieces of paper
d) 10 pieces of paper

4 students walk into Ms. Sully's classroom late, there is now a total of 15 students. How many students were already in the classroom?
a) 13 students
b) 12 students
c) 7 students
d) 11 students

Tim has 18 baseballs, he lost 12. How many baseballs does he have left?
a) 6 baseballs
b) 10 baseballs
c) 8 baseballs
d) 9 baseballs

Conner eats 2 apples on Monday, 4 on Tuesday, and 3 on Wednesday. How many apples did he eat in total?
a) 6 apples
b) 10 apples
c) 9 apples
d) 12 apples

Hailey has 2 dogs and her neighbors have 4. How many dogs do they have in total?
a) 4 dogs
b) 7 dogs
c) 6 dogs
d) 5 dogs

Alex reads 9 pages of a book on Thursday and 7 pages on Friday. If the book has 20 pages, how many more pages does Alex have left to read?
a) 3 pages
b) 4 pages
c) 6 pages
d) 7 pages

Gabby catches 6 fish, her dad catches 7. How many fish did they catch together?
a) 12 fish
b) 13 fish
c) 16 fish
d) 17 fish

Katie sells 13 tickets and her sister sells 6. How many tickets did they sell together?
a) 16 tickets
b) 17 tickets
c) 19 tickets
d) 18 tickets

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