Review Social Studies Test 1 Part B Question Preview (ID: 52564)

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the study of the way that goods are produced, distributed, and used
a) economics
b) civics
c) culture
d) society

concern with an involvement in one's community, state, nation or world
a) economics
b) civics participation
c) culture
d) government

the way people use resources to meet their needs
a) economics
b) governement
c) economy
d) culture

an organized group of people living and working under a set of rules and traditions
a) socieity
b) culture
c) civics
d) heritage

a unique way of life that sets a group of people apart from others
a) culture
b) heritage
c) civics
d) economy

the study of the rights and duties of citizens
a) culture
b) civics
c) society
d) economics

an organized system that groups of people use to make laws and decisions
a) civics
b) heritage
c) government
d) culture

an area on Earth whose features make it different from other areas
a) geography
b) effect
c) region
d) absolute location

a building, a bridge, a farm, a road, or people themselves
a) human feature
b) physical feature
c) region
d) geography

the elements of culture that have been passed down from one generation to another
a) culture
b) society
c) oral history
d) heritage

a feature such as a landform, a body of water, or a resource that has been formed by nature
a) relative location
b) land form
c) physical feature
d) human feature

to make a change in
a) locator
b) modify
c) relative
d) region

to change in order to make more useful
a) cause
b) adapt
c) effect
d) region

exact location on Earth
a) exact location
b) relative location
c) human features
d) inset map

the study of Earth's physical and human features
a) effect
b) geography
c) physical feature
d) adapt

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