World History 1- Rome (Unit 1) Question Preview (ID: 52532)

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How was Rome founded, according to legend?
a) Two brothers, named Romulus and Remus, were abandoned on the Tiber River and decided to found a city.
b) Two brothers, abandoned on the Tigris River, decided to found a city on its banks.
c) Two brothers, Raymond and Richie, decided to establish a city on the Tiber River
d) The gods sent two brothers down from the heavens to establish a city.

What did Christianity emphasize?
a) a relationship with God that is impersonal
b) the importance of the Bible
c) a personal and emotional relationship between God and the people
d) loyalty to the Roman Empire

What event made the conditions in the Roman Empire suitable for the spread of Christianity?
a) Pax Romana
b) The death of Jesus
c) The Death of Tiberius
d) The Diaspora

Who was the first Roman Emperor to make Christianity an approved religion in the Roman Empire?
a) Caligula
b) Augustus
c) Caesar
d) Constantine

Who was the founder of Christianity?
a) Mohammed
b) Jesus
c) Apostle Paul
d) Constantine

Which of the following is a reason that Christianity became popular in Rome?
a) Accepting and Inclusive Message
b) Stressed wealth and status
c) Promised that everyone would gain wealth and prosperity during their lifetime
d) Promised that all the wealthy Patricians in Rome would die

How did the Greek alphabet change the way that people communicated?
a) People could communicate by making symbols stand for objects so it was easier to understand even if you were illiterate
b) The alphabet was easier to write on paper than hieroglyphics
c) The alphabet allowed new words to be formed by re-arranging letters
d) People only had to memorize 26 words

What is a benefit of Space Exploration
a) New technology
b) We can steal land from the aliens
c) We can develop a new language
d) blah blah blah

blah blah blah
a) hahahaha

a) this is fun
d) hahaha

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